Power Weighted Belt - Unisex (includes 5 lbs weight)
- $99 USD (includes 10 x 8 oz weight)
- Available in sizes XS-XXL.
- Hands-free way to build strength
- Keeps hands free to steady yourself if necessary
- Wear any time during any activity
- Incredibly soft and comfortable neoprene fabric
- Double buckle allows custom fit at waist and hips
- Interior key/credit card pocket
- Belt adjusts up to 4”
- Belt can hold up to 20 Ibs.
- Extra weights are available for purchase.
Special offer for the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation: Order your Power Weighted Belt, Power Weighted Vest, Snudio Grippy Sox or Stackable Power Weights (extra weights for your weighted vest or belt) and receive 20% off your entire order. Enter coupon code “BHOF” at checkout on the Power WearHouse site. Plus FREE SHIPPING to the U.S. and Canada.