Bone Makers®Travel Deck
Bone Makers® Travel Decks
Unlike other flash cards, the Bone Makers Travel Decks are made for adults with user-friendly, color-coded pictures and everyday language that addresses exercise and how to stretch.
The Bone Lady says ”don’t deny, just modify” -- now you have a plan, and you’re in charge.
Please email Vicki Buckley at buckvic1@gmail.com to purchase the Bone Makers set. Ask for discount code BHOF10 to receive a 10% discount. Corporate orders of 16 or more can mention discount code BHOF15 to receive a 15% discount.
Here’s an overview of the four-month system:
*To increase your bone density, balance, posture, memory & focus. In addition, build confidence, self-esteem, and body awareness.
*Be independent: do anywhere-exercise when, where, and how you want with the Bone Makers Travel Decks system. You will stay safe, save gas and money, limit planning, worry, and even prevent germ exposure.
* Keep your mobility and prevent trips and falls, which are a major risk factor for losing your independence.
* Exercise smart: prevent silent muscle atrophy, empower yourself with a plan of low impact, non-floor, varied no-boredom, and rotational routines. In fun, Americana laymen’s terms you can “prevent quitter’s syndrome”!
*Conveniently modified for you: on the back of each card are a beginner, intermediate & advanced level. The cards honor those with visual and hands-on, tactile learning styles.
*Unique muscle rotation routines allows you essential muscle recovery time, preventing over–use injury so needed for mature adults or imperfect muscles.
*Wipe clean, re-usable, sturdy, window box container, handy pocket-sized cards, and no battery or computer needed!
*Watch video class of your routine. Why not follow along with a video class demonstrating your weekly routine? Then the rest of the week, do it yourself by using your cards. The videos honor an auditory and visual learning style.
*Plus free bonus deck of Wellness Education including USDA Calcium food charts, Muscle maps & Glossary