Reducing the Risk of Fractures (Spanish) - FREE Courtesy of AHRQ
El folleto de la Agencia para la Investigación y la Calidad de la Atención Médica, "Reduciendo el Riesgo de Fractura Ósea: Una Revisión de la Investigación para Adultos con Baja Densidad Ósea" explica cómo la baja densidad ósea puede aumentar el riesgo de fractura de un hueso. Se debe incluir una hoja suplementaria sobre medicamentos actualizados con cada pedido.
AHRQ’s Reducing the Risk of Bone Fracture: A Review of the Research for Adults with Low Bone Density (English) and Reduccion del riesgo de fracturas de huesos (Spanish)
These free booklets (shipping is not included) from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) are from May 2012 and explain how low bone density can increase the risk of breaking a bone and what research has found about different treatments to lower the risk. It can help you talk with your doctor about which treatment might be right for you.
**Please note: for updated list of available osteoporosis medications please visit the NOF website: https://www.nof.org/patients/treatment/medicationadherence/